Sabtu, 20 November 2021

Koleksi Cara Mengelola Usaha Jasa Dari Sisi Pemasaran

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Strategi Pemasaran 4P
Program e-business coaching Master Bisnes Anda adalah program pembelajaran 100% secara online untuk usahawan-usahawan SME. Program ini dibawakan khas oleh Crowd Niaga dalam usaha mentransformasik...

Published: 17-02-2017
Duration: 3:7
Definition: sd
View: 171
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0

Published: 31-10-2012
Duration: 1:28
Definition: sd
View: 1454
Like: 1
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
081380163185 | JASA KONSULTAN APPRAISAL ASSET 1) Apa itu appraisal Appraisal adalah sebuah proses pekerjaan...

Published: 01-09-2015
Duration: 1:47
Definition: hd
View: 871
Like: 3
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
Laundry Gratis Dibayar dengan Doa - NET12
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: Twitter ...

Published: 09-06-2017
Duration: 1:39
Definition: hd
View: 629
Like: 2
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Jasa Email Blast ( TNC Digital Media )
Jasa Email Blast atau biasa dikenal dengan Email Marketing Camapaign adalah salah salah satu bagian dari aktivitas promosi dengam email sebagai medianya. Anda bisa dengan mudah mengirim email...

Published: 28-09-2015
Duration: 1:29
Definition: hd
View: 277
Like: 0
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
pelatihan karyawan restoran
Pelatihan Marketing dan Karyawan di Hubungi Kami : Call/SMS/WhatsApp: 0812-1331-710 0812-1632-0707 0812-9032-0101 Jika Anda sudah melakukan berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan...

Published: 16-09-2016
Duration: 1:44
Definition: sd
View: 282
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Pavan Sukhdev: Put a value on nature! Every day, we use materials from the earth without thinking, for free. But what if we had to pay for their true value: would it make us more careful about what we use and...

Published: 15-12-2011
Duration: 16:32
Definition: sd
View: 56200
Like: 663
Dislike: 41
Favorite: 0
Comment: 97
Ini Penampakan Penghancuran Kapal Ilegal di Perairan Batam
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti kembali menghancurkan dan menenggelamkan kapal pencuri ikan. Kali ini giliran kapal dengan nama lambung KM Laut Natuna 28 atau KM Sudhita yang...

Published: 10-02-2015
Duration: 6:16
Definition: sd
View: 1508
Like: 1
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0

Published: 29-10-2012
Duration: 9:16
Definition: sd
View: 33906
Like: 35
Dislike: 6
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3
Calling All Cars: I Asked For It / The Unbroken Spirit / The 13th Grave
The radio show Calling All Cars hired LAPD radio dispacher Jesse Rosenquist to be the voice of the dispatcher. Rosenquist was already famous because home radios could tune into early police...

Published: 24-12-2012
Duration: 1:28:24
Definition: sd
View: 71230
Like: 61
Dislike: 40
Favorite: 0
Comment: 7
You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Chair / People / Foot
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 -- August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star. He is known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the...

Published: 10-12-2012
Duration: 1:27:23
Definition: sd
View: 47525
Like: 29
Dislike: 34
Favorite: 0
Comment: 4
NOSC - Nagrak Organic SRI Center
NOSC, Nagrak Organik SRI Center adalah pusat pelatihan pertanian SRI Organik di Nagrak, Sukabumi. Di dirikan pada tahun 2007 atas dasar pemikiran kondisi Sumber Daya Alam saat ini diantaranya...

Published: 01-11-2008
Duration: 3:34
Definition: sd
View: 148
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
CIA Archives: Buddhism in Burma - History, Politics and Culture
Buddhism in Burma (also known as Myanmar) is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, practised by 89% of the country's population. It is the most religious Buddhist country in terms of the...

Published: 14-08-2012
Duration: 52:39
Definition: sd
View: 103299
Like: 171
Dislike: 40
Favorite: 0
Comment: 72
CIA Covert Action in the Cold War: Iran, Jamaica, Chile, Cuba, Afghanistan, Libya, Latin America
1982 - More on this topic:

Published: 10-06-2012
Duration: 1:53:57
Definition: sd
View: 346421
Like: 511
Dislike: 112
Favorite: 0
Comment: 190
Calling All Cars: Highlights of 1934 / San Quentin Prison Break / Dr. Nitro
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. The LAPD has been copiously fictionalized in numerous movies, novels and television...

Published: 22-12-2012
Duration: 1:28:6
Definition: sd
View: 33102
Like: 28
Dislike: 18
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6
Authors, Lawyers, Politicians, Statesmen, U.S. Representatives from Congress (1950s Interviews)
Interviewees: Princess Alexandra Kropotkin, Russian emigre, author Charles B. Brownson, U.S. Representative from Indiana Christian Herter, American politician and statesman Clifford P. Case,...

Published: 02-10-2012
Duration: 1:39:58
Definition: sd
View: 39577
Like: 43
Dislike: 22
Favorite: 0
Comment: 16
The Great Gildersleeve: Birthday Tea for Marjorie / A Job for Bronco / Jolly Boys Band
Premiering on August 31, 1941, The Great Gildersleeve moved the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve now oversaw his late brother-in-law's estate...

Published: 07-10-2012
Duration: 1:29:30
Definition: sd
View: 57364
Like: 30
Dislike: 31
Favorite: 0
Comment: 16
Words at War: It's Always Tomorrow / Borrowed Night / The Story of a Secret State
Jan Karski (24 April 1914 -- 13 July 2000) was a Polish World War II resistance movement fighter and later professor at Georgetown University. In 1942 and 1943 Karski reported to the Polish...

Published: 11-09-2012
Duration: 1:27:44
Definition: sd
View: 104593
Like: 87
Dislike: 59
Favorite: 0
Comment: 33

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